Unplug Challenge

Get outside.

  • Dan Fost

    A speaker at my son’s school last night proposed something similar. She said that spending time with electronic media depletes the body, while spending time in nature restores it.

    She also put it cleverly: How many times are you sitting at the computer and think, ‘This is so great, I wish I could spend 8 hours on this machine!”? But how many times do you go for a hike and think, “Man, I wish I could spend 8 hours out here!”

  • swabby429

    One of my favorite things to do is to take a hike along the “Cowboy Trail” in my part of Nebraska. So many wonders of nature present themselves effortlessly. The fresh air, the weather conditions…rain, overcast or sometimes sunshine are peerless backdrops.

  • laura goldman

    great idea

  • laura goldman

    great idea

  • laura goldman

    great idea

  • mmshfry

    Bad weather, serious health concerns, or concerns of crime (this latter concern most applicable to crime-ridden neighborhoods) are certainly all good reasons to avoid Getting outside. At the same time, even in good weather, with good health, and in “safe” neighborhoods, I feel that the ideal of Getting outside on Sabbath is accomplished primarily when walking to/from synagogue (or church) for those who end up visiting such institutions to worship. Those who arrive at these institutions to worship are effectively (although not intentionally) PREVENTED from Getting outside while they remain at such institutions. Various Sabbath techniques to “keep 'em inside as long as possible”, such as long speech-listening, appeals-enduring, news/announcements, tempting worshippers with food after-worship, social-pressuring approaches,…etc. So the Sabbath principle of Getting outside may be practiced more in the breach than accomplished as a regular Sabbath delight.

  • munchkyn

    My idea of “getting outside” is gardening. Specifically, vegetable gardening. I love taking care of my plants, knowing that the food I grow for my family is healthy and nutritious. By traditional Jewish definitions, however, this constitutes “work” and is prohibited. I justify it to myself on the grounds that so many things that USED to be work, that used to be utter necessity for living, like farming and weaving and making pottery, are now no longer necessities but luxuries. Gardening and weaving, knitting or makint pottery, all of these crafts and hobbies are now recreational; we don't do them for a living, but for pleasure and relaxation. In fact, in my opinion, the exercise of creativity IS a reconnection to God, to that Creator who first commanded us to observe the Sabbath during his first acts of creation (metaphorically speaking). As such, gardening is one of the oldest and most, er, down-to-earth ways of reconnecting with our Source that we can indulge in. We live in a highly urbanized, artificial environment 24/7, where everything is built to the measure of man: houses, cities, roads. It is good for the soul and humbling to the spirit to be observing and possibly helping the slow, natural progress from seed to blossom to flower to fruit to harvest, all done on God's schedule, not ours.

  • Vahelix

    I know this is four months old but as an avid gardener and needle artist I dealt with this one for a good while. I now understand that to create on Shabbat is to insinuate that creation isn't 'complete' enough or worse that HaShem hasn't supplied you with enough time or blessings for you to make it through a day of rest. Look at the Manna gift, he had any left over turn to worms save the sixth day so they would have enough to make it through the seventh day. It isn't about relaxation only but about resting in his supply and gifts and making a statement that Dayanu, it is enough for us, no worries

  • Melpobre

    Define get outside. Get outside of your comfort zone? Get outside of your house? Get outside of your sphere of influence? Or simply get outside of your box?

  • Stever

    does going out to play golf with some friends and to enjoy the surroundings count?

  • Nyrroc

    I’d say – heck yes.

  • Mjsmith1


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